
About Us


111111.png  品牌和公司于2005年在中国上海由王丽莉女士和金培达先生共同创办。主要致力于雪茄文化传播以及推动中国雪茄产业的发展。旗下拥有《雪茄客》杂志、开设于上海、北京、深圳的111111.png门店和俱乐部,并于2012年起创办了一年一度的中国雪茄文化节。其海外投资包括中南美洲雪茄烟叶种植、加工和进出口,以及中国和加勒比地区的投资贸易。

Cigar Ambassador brand and company was founded in Shanghai, China in 2005 by Ms. lily Wang and Mr. Edward Jin. It is mainly committed to the spread of cigar culture and promoting the development of China's cigar industry. It owns Cigar Ambassador magazine, five shops and clubs in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Dominica, and founded the annual China Cigar Festival in 2012. Its overseas investment includes the cultivation, processing and import and export of cigar tobacoo in central and South America, as well as the investment and trade in China and the Caribbean.

111111.png 俱乐部成立于2006年,目前在中国有四家门店和俱乐部分别位于上海、北京、深圳,是一个聚集生活在中国的对雪茄文化感兴趣的交流平台。采取自愿加入和退出方式,本俱乐部宗旨就是为中国专业的雪茄迷们提供优质的雪茄和服务,满足他们的各类需求,让会员相互协同,身心健康,共创美好的事业和生活,打造国际烟草行业里的百年老店。

Founded in 2006, Cigar Ambassador Club has four shops and clubs in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, China. It is a communication platform for people living in China who are interested in cigar culture. By means of voluntary joining and quitting, the club aims to provide Chinese professional cigar smokers with high-quality cigars and services to meet their various needs so that members can cooperate with each other, have healthy mind and body to create a better career and life, and build a century-old shop in the international tobacco industry.



